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  Sunday, 08 January 2023
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  844 Visits
Is it possible for a biopsy to identify problems with kidneys yet eGFR and creatinine levels be normal in lab tests?

There are 3 ways to detect kidney damage/issues:
1) lab tests (eGFR/creatinine etc)
2) scan (cysts etc)
3) biopsy

I suspect in 2), one can have cysts etc and normal lab results.

So my question is, can a biopsy show damage with symptoms including anemia, urine changes, pain in kidney area, tingling and spasms due to whatever reason despite eGFR/creatinine being normal… or would a biopsy showing any damage have to be accompanied by abnormal lab tests?

My symptoms have grown so before speaking to my GP and nephrologist to push for a biopsy, I just want to explain why the lab results are normal. It’s as it the kidney were “shocked” and I’ve had an onset of issues ever since. Thx in advance.
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