By Guest on Thursday, 14 February 2019
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Hello Sir
It started with me having high blood pressure to 160/110 ao i got my blood test done and found that sereum creatinine level was 2.6 ,my lower back had pain at that time,and even my protien discharge from urine was a little bit higher than normal.
The doctor gave me medicines for high bp which controlled my bp and now its always around 125/80.Even my lower back pain is gone.i have stopped eating non veg,salt and etc.I have come to a famous hospital but they are giving me appointment dates after 15 days.i got my ultra sound test done which was all normal.
Kindly guide me.My age is 27(male)

A creatinine of 2.6 in a 27y year-old non-black male represents an eGFR of 32 ml/min. This is a significantly reduced level of kidney function and must be evaluated by a nephrologist as you might have an underlying kidney disease that led to your high blood pressure (or the other way around - that hypertension led to your kidney disease), Unfortunately, you have not provided enough information to speculate on the cause of your health concerns. I am glad you are seeing someone soon regarding this. Feel free to post updates or questions in the future.

I can only base my opinion on the information provided and your health-care provider might arrive at different conclusions once you have provided an entire history and had a physical examination performed. As always, this forum provides general medical information only and is limited to educational use only. Please discuss the above remarks with your health-care provider.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
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