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  Thursday, 04 June 2020
  2 Replies
  5.3K Visits
Over a year ago I began to complain from a pain in the lower right abdomen area and pelvic. Doctor requested an ultrasound which found that there is a cyst in the right ureter suggesting “ureterocele". MRI with contrast confirmed it is a "small mostly intrevescal ureterocele" located in the right ureter.

I have been to several doctors and urologists since then and most say that I should just "ignore" it or just “observe". Online info regarding this condition is very limited as it affects children mostly (its a birth defect from what I've been told).

I still have pain and now sometimes in the lower back and side. Sometimes with nausea. I have also very foamy urine started 6 months ago. Last ultrasound was 5 months ago shows "minimal fulness in right pelvic“ but says that urinary appears normal.

I have done about 6 blood tests over the year (last was 5 days ago) and showed my creatine level around 70 umol. Urea is also normal.

ACR test 6 months ago shows my. ACR level is 0.5. <3. Last blood test shows decrease albumin in blood although still within normal range.

Uranlysis test done several times showed "no growth“ and slight WBC and RBC I thing 1 or 2 (range is 0-5)

CT scan without contrast last year showed the same thing with ureterocele.

Blood pressure usually in the 120s and 130s range sometimes higher when nervous and lower in night. Pain is still coming from time to time somedays worse than others and I have done everything I can with no help. Did tests went to more than a doctor but still.
I am 29 years old male.

4 years ago

Thank you for the detailed post.

Your symptoms are not necessarily a result of the ureterocele which might simply be an incidental finding. Your symptoms might be compatible with renal colic due to a kidney stone but it does not sound like you ever passed one or that one was ever detected on imaging. The ultrasound comment of minimal fullness suggests some degree of obstruction which might contribute to pain but usually it would be more obvious on imaging. A lasix renal scan might be helpful to see if there is any element of obstruction there. Alternatively, you might consider being investigated for other causes of pain rather than urologic. Have you had any gastrointestinal work up?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
Thank you doctor for the speedy and helpful reply. Before this issue a year ago I was visiting gastrointestinal doctor and he saw no problem then referred me to urology.

I just remembered that when the pain started early last year there was also a sharp testicular pain and frequent urinating (15-20 times a day) but gone within weeks but the lower abdomen did not.

Dr. I am worried that this will lead to permanent damage if not already if I ignore further. Is my ACR of 0.5 high (8mg protein range is 0-17mg) and is could this condition lead to serious complications. For over a year I have done urinalysis tests every month but no bacteria. I will do a scan but right now every hospital is not accepting "non urgent" cases due to Covid.

Thank you so much for your time and answers that helped me and many others.
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