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  Friday, 03 July 2015
  4 Replies
  10.2K Visits

3 days after an intense work-out I noticed my urine turned darker. I ran into ER and after some test they diagnosed me with rhabdomyolysis ( CPK over 50.000 )and hospitalized me for 3 days under intravenous (IV) fluids. During those days I was constantly drinking and urinating. When my values doped they let me go home. I repeated the tests after few weeks and the values were normal. Has been over 5 weeks since, and I have notices and increase in my urination. I drink almost 2 L every day however I urinate around 3 (based on my 5 days evaluation measuring my intake and urinate). I have not noticed any decrease in my body weight (actually I have gained 1 Kilo during this month). Shall I be worried?
9 years ago
Hello, It is possible that the myoglobin released from muscle caused some tubular injury, leading to salt wasting aftwards. This would be even more likely if, while hospitalized, you had signs of kidney injury such as elevated creatinine. This should resolve in time but it would be worth ensuring your kidney function tests were checked as well (I suspect they were if you were hospitalized). Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 months ago
After 9 years i would be surprised if anyone responds, I am 16 years old, and 4 weeks ago i got rhabdo after starting the gym as a thin boy, thinking i could do 4 strenuous workouts in the span of 8 days, and i noticed my urine got really dark, and got super worried like you did and went to the hospital in london where i live, received the same treatment, for 3 days i was given 5L of IV fluids, and i was discharged after the 3rd day, and now i still notice i have a bit of a more noticeable need to urinate, especially when i wake up, although i usually drink a lot of water before i sleep, thanks for your comment dr weinstein aswell
5 months ago

It is possible that you have some tubular damage to the kidney which causes more salts and water to be eliminated rather than absorbed. Drinking before bed will exacerbate the urge to pee when you wake up. Did you have your kidney function tested when you were in the hospital? A simple blood test for your creatinine can help shed some light on this. But absent any severe kidney injury (which the blood test will reveal), my prediction is that this issue will gradually resolve over time.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
wow! thank you so much for your quick response Dr Weinstein, I had a blood test a week after discharge and my levels were normal according to the doctor, when I had rhabdo, my ck levels peaked at 77,000 apparently. I thank you again for your quick and detailed response, it means the world to me and people around the globe to have doctors online and in real life to help!
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