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  Jeudi 4 Mai 2023
  4 Replies
  3K Visits
Just received a scan result that I have a small 10mm cyst on one kidney and 48mm on the other my GFR is 68 I amm 55 years old, low BMI, non drinker, not diabetic. My sister passed away 61 fromm Kidney Failure. My GP has not refered me to the hospital, should I ask to be referred?
1 year ago
Simple cyst generally speaking do not need to be followed as they do not have significant malignant potential. Out of an abundance of caution, it would be optional if you wish to have monitoring done but guidelines would not suggest it was mandatory.

Estimated GFR above 60 ml/min is consistent with normal kidney function. If it is not declining, and if you do not have any significant proteinuria or suspicion of a systemic disease then this would a fairly benign finding.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
1 year ago
Sorry I meant to say Ultrasound. It was done on the NHS and I only have the report no further information.
1 year ago
Thank you very much for your reply!

It says "Left kidney also shows an upper pole simple cyst measuring 45-48mm. No hydronephrosis seen. Bilateral simple renal cysts"

The scan also showed I had a "fatty liver" - there isn't much I can do about that as I am not diabetic, I am teetotal, don't smoke, eat healthy, exercise, low BMI etc

I assume by your reply the cysts are not an issue, I was just concened as one was a bit large and that my GFR 68 was lower than expected for my age?

At what GFR level should I be concerned and ask to be referred?

1 year ago

Renal cysts are very often harmless. However it depends very importantly on the description of the cyst itself and whether there is any complexity etc. I would need to see the report of the ultrasound itself to comment any further.

Thanks very much,

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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