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  Jeudi 7 Septembre 2023
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I am on home hemo since June. In May of this year, I completed a 24 hour urine test and I managed to fill 2500 ml. My dialysis doctor at the centre that asked for this collection, advised that I would only require 2 x 3 hour sessions per week with no fluid removed to try and keep the considerable urine output and save the kidney function I have left. I have since switched to Home Hemo and now completing 3 x 2 and half hour sessions per week no fluid removal. The new dialysis doctor advised I need to add an extra day to this due to the quality of the urine (not the quantity) but I am a bit sceptical about this as I am now being told two different things by dialysis doctors and the most recent doctor, is going by the May results (he has not asked me to produce urine since the May submission)
Would you recommend a second opinion and will the extra day make my kidney function worsen?
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