Session: Global Challenges of CKD
Sub-session: Global Kidney Health Atlas: Why We Need It and How It May Affect CKD Worldwide
Presenter: David W. Johnson DrMed, MBBS, PhD, FASN
David W. JohnsonDavid W. Johnson, MBBS, led the session of the global challenges of CKD with his presentation on the Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA), why a report like this is needed and how it may impact CKD worldwide.
The GKHA gathers “data [from all over the globe] to determine the status of existing resources, structures and organizations available to patients with CKD and AKI”.
The International Society of Nephrology provides updates of this atlas to better understand, compare and monitor how different countries around the world detect, treat, monitor and advocate for people with kidney disease (AKI or CKD).
A look back on Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA) 2017
First, Dr. Johnson revealed the main results from GKHA 2017, with data from 125 countries (93 percent of global coverage):
Then, Dr. Johnson revealed the GKHA 2019 main results from 160 countries (98.6 percent global coverage) which was released 2 weeks ago:
The Importance of the GKHA
The GKHA provides:
Key Strategies of the GKHD include:
The GKHA demonstrates “significant inter- and intra-regional variability in the current capacity for kidney care across the globe.” This project has identified critical gaps in services, facilities and workforce in many of the countries included.
Looking to future improvements, the GKHA offers the opportunity for engaging key government and non-government stakeholders in supporting countries who work towards improving the quality of care in patients with CKD, scorecard process for countries, and devises policy implications for CKD in the global health agenda.