Highlights from the 2021 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress
Highlights from the European Society of the 2021 Cardiology Congress Focus on the FIGARO-DKD and EMPEROR-Preserved Trials Join our outstanding multidisciplinary faculty as they discuss two landmark studies in cardio-renal medicine. These trials are certain to change management of and improve patient outcomes in congestive heart failure and progressive diabetic chronic kidney disease. {SCOpenGraph description=FIGARO-DKD and EMPEROR-Preserved Trial results webinar, interviews with the investigators, and ask the experts}
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} Panelists Interviews Webinar Ask the Expert Meet our Panelists Jordan WeinsteinMD FRCP(C)Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Nephrologist, St. Michael’s Hospital, Director, UKidney.com, Toronto, ON Philip McFarlaneMD, FRCP(C), PhDAssistant Professor, University of TorontoClinical-investigator, Division of NephrologyMedical Director of Home DialysisSt. Michael’s HospitalToronto, ON Shelley ZierothMD, FCCS, FHFSA (hon), FESC, FACC, FHFA, FRCPCProfessor, University of ManitobaDirector, St. Boniface Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant ClinicsHead, Medical Heart Failure ProgramCardiac Sciences, Manitoba Rajiv AgarwalMD MS FASN Professor of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN Ask the Experts
Please use the form below to ask a question to our panelists. You will receieve a response by email and all responses will be be compiled online here. First Name Last Name Email * Please fill the required field. What is your question? * Please fill the required field. PHA+PHN0cm9uZz5Gcm9tOjwvc3Ryb25nPnt7Zmlyc3QtbmFtZX19IHt7bGFzdC1uYW1lfX08L3A+CjxwPjxzdHJvbmc+RW1haWw6PC9zdHJvbmc+e3tlbWFpbH19PC9wPgo8cD48c3Ryb25nPlF1ZXN0aW9uOjwvc3Ryb25nPnt7bWVzc2FnZX19PC9wPg== 3 + 4 = ? Submit Question