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  Wednesday, 30 May 2012
  1 Replies
  9.4K Visits
Hello, Following transitional carcinoma of the bladder in 2009 (requiring a TURBT), I suffered terrible UTI's, resulting in an Atrophic left kidney, a couple of weeks ago I ended up in hospital with a horrendous kidney infection, and a scan revealed hydronephrosis in the right kidney. Kidney function is low, but still grade 3. I have a CT scan tomorrow to explore further. My problem is no one has explained exactly what is going on, or what the future holds- I know this is dependent on the CT results, but how long do they take? The pain is horrid, I've been advised to avoid anti-inflammatory's, and due to allergies, can only take paracetamol, but the pain is ruining my life, i struggle to drive, I'm off work. What can I do to help myself? I'm only 23? Thankyou
12 years ago
I am a nephrologist From Kenyucky, USA
1st Issue is about your Kidney function: What is you Creatinine? What is your GFR?
You should do a renal nuclear scan to differentiate how much each kidney is participating in your total kidney function?
What is your Urine Analysis Look like? Recurrent infections and Reflux (If you have it from your bladder surgery) can be associated with a certain kidney pathology (Focal segmental Glomeruloscleosis) that may have a differnet prognosis
Did your kidney imagaing; US or CT show any tumors or Stones, that is causing the Hydronephrosis? is it a complication of bladder surgery?
What is your Blood pressure?
The 2nd Issue is Pain: You may use Tramadol, which is not an NSAID, try to avoid Opiates as much as possible because of dependence
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