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  Thursday, 18 October 2012
  1 Replies
  7.9K Visits
Sir, I have four calculi in left kidney in midle and lower calyces. Larger ones at lower calyces measuring about 8mm & 9mm respectively , no calculi in right  kidney as per CT KUB. Can calculi comes out with medicine or need surgery, if comes out with medicine pls suggest the name of medicine Sushanta roy Ram krishna pally P.O - Kunjaban, Agartala,India  
12 years ago

The only stone type that can dissolve once it is formed is uric acid. You would like confirmation that it is indeed the stone you have before attempting dissolution therapy with potassium citrate or sodium bicarbonate. A clue would be a low urine pH (<6) in the absence of a stone analysis confirming it is uric acid. Another clue would be that stone is not seen on xray but is seen on CT scan or ultrasound.
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