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  Tuesday, 02 May 2023
  1 Replies
  4.6K Visits
Hi I've been having pain that comes and goes around that is in the area that my kidneys are but i dont know if its just a pulled muscle or if I actually have a kidney problem or a uti. My urine has a few bubbles and i think a bit of foam but it always comes and goes. Also I dont have any fever or Im not sick or anything and it doesnt hurt when I urinate besides sometimes I get a tiny burning feeling minutes after. But im still paranoid because I went for an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago and nothing was wrong with my kidneys and had no infection so could it just be a muscullar issue?
1 year ago
Hello !
I have chronic pain near my kidneys, I would describe it as a dull constant pain (almost like period pain but under the ribs). I also have foam in my urine. You are not alone !
I'm currently searching for a diagnosis for those symptoms as well. I will message you once I get an answer.

Stay healthy stay hydrated & please go to the doctor
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