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  Thursday, 06 March 2014
  3 Replies
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I am a RN In Nephrology and we are currently doing a comprehensive medication review on a monthly basis. I was wondering what you were practising in your clinic and if you had any tools or tips regarding the medication profile and ensuring everyone is aware of all current medications for each patient. We are looking potentially switching the timing of our comprehensive reviews and developing a quick tool or link to do mini reviews.

Thanks so much.
Christina Joncas RN
10 years ago
Hi there,

Do you use an EMR like NephroCare?

I must say, this area is a weakness is our own practice as well. We have a pharmacist in our outpatient dialysis unit who does in-person reconciliations but admittedly, an electronic system would be better. The challenge of course is that short of having a link with dispensing pharmacies (not practical, but desirable), a discussion with each patient is still required and is therefore labor intensive.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
10 years ago
Thanks for your prompt response. We use Cyberren, by cybernuis. It does have a charting component for the med reconcilliation though it is cumbersome and involves printing the documents to bring to the bedside. We are currentyl trying to complete the med rec monthly on all patients. How often does your unit complete the med rec?


10 years ago
Hi there,

Our pharmacists do med reconciliation ad hoc, not on a regular schedule, usually after hospitalizations or when in doubt. But if resources permitted, they should occur monthly.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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