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  Monday, 14 March 2016
  7 Replies
  52.8K Visits
My eGFR on a blood test was 59. I am a 49 year old female.
They did an ultrasound of my kidneys and everything was OK on the ultrasound. I have normal blood pressure and I exercise regularly. No symptoms or other conditions.
How worried should I be? Would this be classified as kidney disease? Does this mean I will eventually need dialysis?
Are there foods I should be avoiding?
I am seeing a nephrologist in a few days, but was hoping to get more information.
4 years ago
I am a 741/2 White male with a GFR of 59. I have one kidney, hypertension, and diabetic. Under the care of a doctor at the VA. Saw her today did not seemed concerned as I am. Also my creatine was 1.2 mg/dl. My next appointment is scheduled in six months. Concerned because it is recommended a four month follow up
6 years ago
Unfortunately, I would need to see exactly what's written on page with the units your lab used. I don't know what units of protein measurement is meant by "204". I don't want to comment on this without being certain what we are talking about in your case specifically.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
I could not screen capture nor copy my test results. So I wrote them down as for the other answers to your reply. My b/p and pulse are not under control in fact I just recently had to go to the doctor and they increased my medication. They also referred me out to a heart specialist because my pulse at rest runs any where from 88 to 120 was the highest. I was on diabetic medication but I since lowered my a1c so my dr took me off.

The test that they ran was called Protein eletrophoresis, urine:
Protein, ur td/24. 204
Protein Urine Random mg value 8
Volume ml 2550
Period hours 24
Albumin Elp, urine % value 29.6
Alpha1, Urine Value 6.1
Alpha2, Urine Balue 12.4
Beta Region Values. 24.6
Gamma Region Values. 27.3
M Component ut value o
Standard value 0

This was all on the test.
6 years ago
I am 40 year old black overweight female. My eGFR is >59 last mont it was >54.9. I have been having this issue for well over 2 years my kreatinine has never been lower than 1.0 the highest it's been is 1.3. I have an 24 hour urine collection test which was well over the standard level of a normal protein level which was 204. My question is how worried should I be?


I would have to see the level of proteinuria (the exact numbers with the units) but if the level is far above 204 mg per day and given that you are black (where kidney outcomes are worse than in other ethnicities), I would encourage you strongly to be evaluated by a nephrologist. You should ensure all underlying conditions have been addressed (diabetes etc) and that you have excellent blood pressure control, ideally with drugs in the ACE inhibitor or ARB class.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
I am 40 year old black overweight female. My eGFR is >59 last mont it was >54.9. I have been having this issue for well over 2 years my kreatinine has never been lower than 1.0 the highest it's been is 1.3. I have an 24 hour urine collection test which was well over the standard level of a normal protein level which was 204. My question is how worried should I be?
8 years ago
Sorry the numbers above were kreatinine numbers.
eGFR was 51 (after exercise) then 63 then 59 (all taken within 2 weeks)
8 years ago

Do you have any past medical history including hypertension or diabetes?
Do you have any protein in your urine?
If you are of black African descent, did your doctor multiple your eGFR result by 1.2?

I would most definitely not worry about a single reading of eGFR. Even if it is accurate, if you have no other medical problems, and no significant protein in your urine, provided blood pressure remains well-controlled, then you have an excellent outlook and dialysis would not be in the cards. But if I had more information, I could give you a better answer.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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