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  Sunday, 20 May 2018
  2 Replies
  12.8K Visits
I had sever cramping in my legs and upper back during Dialysis I did let the nurse know what was happening .... I was very worried can it collapse my heart?
6 years ago
Accepted Answer

Cramping on dialysis is very common and is most often related to fluid removal (and not refilling your blood vessels fast enough). Often it can be addressed by changing the profile and rate of fluid removal, cooling dialysate, ramping the sodium concentration of the dialysate and adjusting your blood pressure meds (the dose and timing with dialysis). Of course, other painful conditions would have to be excluded by your doctors. Otherwise they should be very familiar with the adjusting the dialysis prescription as above.

I hope this helps,

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
yes and thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
6 years ago
Accepted Answer

Cramping on dialysis is very common and is most often related to fluid removal (and not refilling your blood vessels fast enough). Often it can be addressed by changing the profile and rate of fluid removal, cooling dialysate, ramping the sodium concentration of the dialysate and adjusting your blood pressure meds (the dose and timing with dialysis). Of course, other painful conditions would have to be excluded by your doctors. Otherwise they should be very familiar with the adjusting the dialysis prescription as above.

I hope this helps,

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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