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  Sunday, 30 September 2018
  8 Replies
  41.9K Visits
Can someone help me with these results please im concerned and don't know what they mean
Appearance CLOUDY
Erythrocytes HI 0.3 mg/L
Leukocyte Esterase HI 500 WBC/uL
Albumin/Creatinine HI 3.2 mg/mmol
6 years ago
This urinalysis is consistent with a urinary tract infection. I would suggest getting a urine culture done. As for the slightly elevated albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR), I would not place any stock in it until the infection (if present) is treated. An inflamed bladder can definitely increase the value of the ACR.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thank you very much. I have no signs whatsoever that would indicate a UTI which is why it is worrying me so much.
6 years ago
I would still suggest excluding a UTI as they can be asymptomatic. If no infection is present, then a microscopic exam of your urine is warranted.If the white cells and ACR elevation is persist, then a workup for that should be undertaken. As part of that assessment, you should have your kidney function tested as well.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
Hello Suzanne,
I just happened t come across this post and i have the exact same condition and my doctor has not figured out why? What is happening with you? Any update would be helpful for me. Please post.
5 years ago
Hi Jen,

Sorry my doctor also hasn't figured it out. Since posting this article I have had 3 lots of antibiotics for a UTI and still haven't got any further as that's clearly not the problem.
Sorry I can be of much help but will keep you updated with any news.
5 years ago
Thank you Suzanne for writing back. I got a referral for a Urologist and have not got the appointment yet since my doctor couldn't figure out what was happening. Try getting a referral to the urologist since they specialize in bladder concerns. I will keep you posted.
5 years ago
Hey ladies,

Any updates on your tests, I have pretty much same results too...

4 years ago
I have the same results, but the culture was done and was negative. Also nitrites were negative, so no infection...
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