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  Thursday, 11 October 2018
  2 Replies
  17.3K Visits
On 20th August 2018 I had a CT scan to identify a thrombosis in my femoral vein extending into the external iliac vein. I had and still have a swollen left leg.
The CT scan also showed a very enlarged bladder. Also mild hydronephrosis of both kidneys
This was confirmed as chronic urine retention. On 24th August I was subsequently drained of 3000ml of urine by catheter. I experienced post-obstructive diuresis for the following 24 hours.
Two physical examinations of my prostate have confirmed it is enlarged. All urine output since draining has been by catheter.
I am now ISC ( 4 times a day) and have been measuring my fluid input and urine since draining.
What worries me is that on some days I produce over 3200ml of urine against drinking of around 2100ml. i have produced 1200 or 1300 ml in around 5 hours. Should I be concerned?
Creatinine levels in my blood have been 104, 95, 87 and now 103.
Over the whole period since draining averaged input and output have been similar. (2229ml and 2281ml.)
I am a white male 69 years old, otherwise healthy.
6 years ago

If the ins and outs don't match completely on any given day, I wouldn't necessarily conclude that the kidney is not behaving properly. Do you account for the volume of water contained in foods (especially fruits, vegetables etc)? If the kidney was inappropriately producing more urine than it should - a condition referred to as polyuria - then this would be evaluated by measuring the quantity and the composition of the urine to determine if the kidney is mal-absorbing predominantly solutes (salts, glucose) or water. To determine this would require speaking with your physician to have the appropriate tests arranged. I would not think that polyuria from a kidney problem would come and go as you describe, however, Furthermore, it would be accompanied by symptoms consistent with low blood pressure (e.g as dizziness) or water deficiency (e.g thirst) as well as electrolyte disturbance and/or kidney function impairment if present.

Feel free to post any additional follow-up for more comment.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thank you for your interest and reply Dr Weinstein. My blood urea, sodium and potassium levels have been measured in addition to the creatinine and were in the 'normal' range. I guess "electrolyte disturbance" means they would higher or lower than normal.
I feel reassured by your reply. What really worried me is producing over 3200 ml of urine against an intake of around 2100 ml even allowing for water in food. This has happened several days in the last month.
Could it be that my varying swollen leg has an effect on body fluid and output?
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