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  Monday, 05 March 2012
  2 Replies
  6.5K Visits

Hello Dear Doctor,

We got my daughter's renal scan today. And ıt says '' Her left kidney is normal and working %80. The right kidney is Atrofik and working %20  and its shape is not normal and it is smaller . Her Kreatinin level is 0.9.  They only said that she had to drink much water and she should stay away from salty food. She is 18 years old and she is 48 kilos. thinner than avarage girls. She  has a pale skin. We have just learnt it. Two years ago we took  her to the hospital because of her right side pains they thought she was suffering from appendicits and they didnt scan well. They hospitalized her for 3 days but they didnt follow the reason why.  She has been suffering from the right side pains for a few years . Last year when we took her to the emergency service of a hospital they said she was sanding. Last week we took her after she vomitted and we learnt it after an ultrasound scan. They said it was working %30 and two weeks later we learnt it is worse than that.  They said the reason could be from birth . When she was a child she suffered from  urethra problems for a while and we used the antibiotics they gave us but  we weren't directed to a urologist.  

She used ferritin syrups for a while and now I wonder if she has that anemia  problem because of her kidney problem.  I will take her to the capital city Ankara as soon as I learn a good doctor and hospital name . I am looking forward to hearing your comment ,  and advice.

Thank you for your concern 

My Kind Regards


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12 years ago

By 'sanding', do you mean passing sand or gravel in her urine?
12 years ago

The most important thing is that the over all level of kidney function appears normal. It could well be that she did have a problem as a young child that has left her with permanent loss of kidney function on that side. But not to worry, as she has the other side to compensate. Remember of course, that many people have very normal lives with only one kidney and your daughter has slightly more than one. One thing to check is her blood pressure and the level of protein that may be spilling in to her urine.

As for the pain she is experiencing and passing what sounds like gravel or sand, it could be that she has a passed a kidney stone. She could be evaluated for her tendency to form stones by doing a 24 hour urine collection for a mineral analysis to study this further.

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