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  Friday, 26 October 2018
  7 Replies
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I'm a 34 year old male and a few years ago I did a urine test and the result came back showing the presence of protein in the urine. The doctor at the time said it was nothing to worry about and that I should just keep an eye on it. Almost 2 years later, still protein in the urine. I'm very concerned at this point because my latest tests show an extremely high ACR, and upper limit creatinine levels.

My ACR value was 129.6 mg/mmol creat.....while the normal range is <3
My creatinine level is 109
Creatine Kinase 280 U/L
My triglycerides are also very very high at around 6.

This test was done while fasting.

My nephrologist now has me on a regiment of Ramipril and has requested a kidney biopsy.

The rest of my bloodwork is good.
3 years ago

I think these are very specific questions about your care that really should be managed by your nephrologist. Who are you seeing?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 years ago
My pleasure, feel free to post follow-up as you get it. Happy to comment further.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein

Hi Dr Weinstein,

It was a few years ago when I started this thread but I remembered that you had been quite helpful and I have been seeking more opinions on the updates of my condition.
Since our conversation, I've had a kidney biopsy done and several tests and plenty of bloodwork.

I've attached my biopsy report as well as the results from my last blood/urine test.

Some things to note:
At one point, my triglycerides shot to 12 mmol/L, so I was put on bezabifrate 400mg daily and that has brought it down to under 2
My cholesterol was high as well and that dropped down to normal with the medication in addition to crestor 10mg daily

I do however have some myalgia like symptoms, which I'm not sure whether is due to my high stress levels or the bezafibrate medication but I have constant muscle twitching and spasms, sometimes very painful mostly in my back but can happen anywhere, especially when I sleep.

I'm also on 5mg ramipril daily based on the recommendation of my nephrologist, who I haven't been able to get a hold of for a follow up for almost a year now.

So I'm not really sure where to go from here. I would prefer not to be on so many medications especially at this age, but am also concerned about the progression of my nephrotic syndrome.

I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions.

Thank you.
6 years ago
My pleasure, feel free to post follow-up as you get it. Happy to comment further.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thanks Dr. Weinstein,

Of course I completely understand. None of these symptoms came about suddenly. I can go about my daily activities rather normally without any problems. They're mostly discomforts and I suspect they may have something to do with the kidney condition, which is what concerns me.

Thank you for taking the time to get back to me I really appreciate it.
6 years ago
OK, well I'm glad you are getting this evaluated because your symptoms do sound concerning. Please ensure you discuss these symptoms with your doctor right away. If your chest discomfort and breathing symptoms have come on suddenly or are severe, she should be evaluated in the emergency department. It is difficult to evaluate you in this manner and this forum is intended for general help related to kidney conditions, not for emergency advice. I hope that is understood.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
I do not have diabetes or hypertension. My blood pressure at the doctor's office was 135/90, which is slightly high. I don't have any other medical conditions that I'm aware of. I do however have some symptoms, tightness in the chest/heart area, shortness of breath, streaks in the urine, and lower energy levels, as well as some muscle twitching that's been going on for quite a while (about 3 months).

I had a chest x-ray done with no abnormal results there. Also did an ultrasound , also with no abnormal results.
6 years ago

Do you have any medical problems such as diabetes?

The level of protein in the urine is high enough to warrant a kidney biopsy in order to determine what is going on, assuming there is not something obvious present such as diabetes or years of uncontrolled hypertension. Ramipril, an ACE inhibitor, will be effective at lowering proteinuria in most cases.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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