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  Saturday, 03 November 2018
  4.5K Visits
I just have a question about the results of the ACR test. My two previous tests done in 2015 and 2017 were 1.3 and 1.2. I just had this test done again the other day and it said test was not done as my Albumin level was <6 mg/l. What does it mean when the albumin is so low it is unable to complete the test ordered?

Accepted Answer
It is common to fluctuate, especially within the normal range such as you had (assuming units are mg/mmol).

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
This means that you have no albumin in your urine. That is a normal finding.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thank you...I was cofused by the fact that there were results previously but this one no it normal for the albumin levels to fluctuate that much?
Accepted Answer
It is common to fluctuate, especially within the normal range such as you had (assuming units are mg/mmol).

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Yes they are :D thank you
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