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  Monday, 05 November 2018
  4 Replies
  6K Visits
If you have been having frothy urine and protein of trace on dipstick for like three years, does that mean you have kidney disease?
6 years ago

Foam in the urine can be a sign of protein present in it. However, I find that patients tend to overestimate how much foam they actually have, especially as a departure from normal. It would be important to actually quantify how much protein you have rather than relying on how much foam you detect. This can be done simply by measuring an albumin to creatinine ratio on a spot urine test.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thank Dr. Please how many years does it generally take to progress from stage one ckd to end stage disease
6 years ago
It really depends on what is causing the disorder, how much protein in the urine, blood pressure control etc. Stage 1 kidney disease is a very broad term and the vast majority of such patients will never end up at end-stage kidney disease.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
Hii, please if ACR is normal, can you still have CKD?
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