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  Tuesday, 06 November 2018
  2 Replies
  6.3K Visits
Can you tell me if the protein level is bad?

bp is 117/78
6ft 230 lbs

Sp. Gr. 1.015
Protein. 15
Blood. 0
Sugar. 0
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6 years ago

That looks like it was measured with a urinary dipstick. This method of measuring urinary protein is a bit crude. It also depends what units are used to measure on that particular urinalysis strip. If it is in mg/dl, then 15 would just be above the limit of detection - so it is only mildly elevated. A urinary protein (or albumin) to creatinine ratio could be done to provide a better estimate but the levels are likely low.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Is it worth to worry over? Or a doctors appointment?
6 years ago
You might for peace of mind have it verified. It is very possible that the confirmatory test will show nothing at all.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
6 years ago
Thank you I appreciate it
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