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  Sunday, 11 November 2018
  7 Replies
  7K Visits
I am a 51 year old healthy muscular white male. My last 2 blood tests demonstrated an eGFR of 59. I had 7.7 g of total protein per dl. My creat was 1.37 mg/dl and my BUN/creat ration was 17. I have borderline hypertension (averaging 128/88, no antihypertensives), non diabetic (Hba1c=5.6), with chronically elevated creatine kinase (380U/L) of unknown etiology. I workout with weights every other day and perform cardio on alternating days. I do pre and post-workout supplements and try to maintain a healthy high protein diet.

Should I be overly concerned? Should I change my diet/supplements? Please educate me, much appreciated. Thank you!

7.7 g of total protein per dl

Do you mean 7.7 mg/dl in your urine? 7.7 g/dl would be very high for a protein concentration in the urine. Or do you mean 7.7 g/dl in your blood? Please verify.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein

You have a mild reduction in your eGFR. This eGFR performs relatively well with true GFR below 60, so if persistently 59, it might indeed reflect your kidney function accurately. Are you taking any medication for your mild hypertension? If your test above referred to your blood protein levels, it would be useful to know your urinary numbers as well.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
7.7 refers to blood levels. No protein in my urine. I did however forget to inform you that I have mild CAD (hereditary I'm sure). I do understand this further increases my risk as well.
OK thanks, and are you taking anything for your blood pressure?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
No. Controlled w diet and exercise.
If blood pressure is well controlled and you have no protein in the urine and no signs or symptoms of a systemic disease, then your mildly reduced kidney function is unlikely to progress rapidly downward if at much at all. It might reflect a degree of underlying vascular disease which could be a result of your CAD family history. I would also ensure an ultrasound has been done, that you have two normal appearing kidneys. Sometimes we do get surprises, although likely not.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
Thank you very much.
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