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  Wednesday, 14 November 2018
  1 Replies
  8.6K Visits
Hi. I have had an abnormal urine test, these are the findings- can you offer any help in translation the meaning behind the numbers please?

Pathology Investigations

Urine Microalbumin
Urine microalbumin level 151 mg/L
Urine creatinine level 12.4 mmol/L
Urine albumin/creatinine ratio 12.2 mg/mmol [0.0 - 3.5]
Above high reference limit
6 years ago

This means that you have a microalbuminuria - a term referring to a small amount of excess protein in the urine. This finding could be a sign of damage to the kidneys by diseases such as diabetes. However, it must be confirmed by a repeat test in 3 months as many things can falsely elevate the test (e.g. urinary tract infection, menstruation, vigorous exercise).

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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