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  Thursday, 15 November 2018
  1 Replies
  5.4K Visits
I notice calculations for allowable creatinine levels are higher for black men.
I think this is ridiculous because it is based on the statistical average of African(American in this regard) having a higher percentage of lean muscle mass ; having actually nothing to do with ethnicity or anything else. Therefore wouldn't it make more sense to establish the muscularity of a person like myself who has a high percentage of lean muscle tissue yet is caucasian?
It seems highly inaccurate and flawed to not take things into consideration especially given a person can be defined as black who has just a tiny percentage of African ancestry.
Would it not make more sense to add to the samples sent off "high muscularity " or "low muscularity "???
6 years ago
You make an excellent point!

The eGFR is meant to be a screening tool only. It is not meant to predict with 100% certainty what the true GFR is. So while you are correct, the error might be 10-20% variance. This would not have clinical implications to be honest.

That said, it’s an excellent observation and indeed one of the problems of these estimating formalas.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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