I am a 36 year old male 5'10" 240 lbs. I have been on lisinopril for stage 1 hypertension since I was 30 and have been able to maintain a healthy bp while on this medicine. About 2 months ago I started having episodes of what the ER has described as anxiety. Racing heart 150 to 180 beats per min, often elevated bp when this happens highest ever was 200/110, feels like whole body is buzzing, sweating, chest pain. ECG come back normal. All regular blood work comes back normal, sent home told to calm down. I have a family history of heart disease so consulted a cardiologist who agreed to run some tests on me. Had a left side heart cath to ck for blockage all clear no sign of disease, also checked kidneys at same time again no stenosis etc. Had more blood work and a 24 hr urine metanephrines test done. All blood work came back in normal ranges expect for Aldosterone which was 29 ng/dL ref range less than or equal to 28 ng/dl. and Renin which was 41.7 ng/ml/h ref range .25 to 5.82 ng/ml/h. Cortisol TSH CBC, Basic metabolic panels all normal. The urine test results were Metenphrines, 24 H Ur 131 mcg/24 h ref range 36-190. Normetanephrine 24 h Ur 550 mcg/24 h ref range 35-482. Metaneph, Total, 24 H ur was 681 mcg/24 h ref range 115 -695. Cardiologist suspects a pheochromocytoma and is sending me for a ct scan of abdomen and pelvis. Needless to say Im worried. Would you conclude the same or recommend a different direction of investigation?