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  Sunday, 09 December 2018
  1 Replies
  4.8K Visits
I’ve had traces of protein and blood in my urine since my early childhood (5 years old I am now 24) and have had ultra sounds and a biopsy on my kidneys results showed nothing wrong. Should I be concerned have any of you been in a similar situation? My test last year showed no blood or protein in my urine but this year showed +1 protein but no blood. Should I be worried for the future or is this something not to worry about.
5 years ago
You may well have a mild form of underlying kidney disease but it is reassuring that you have had a normal kidney biopsy. We very commonly do see patients with mild forms of kidney disease that don't progress. It would be important to quantify the amount of protein in your urine (with an albumin to creatinine ratio or 24 hour urine) and to ensure that you have good blood pressure control as well as normal kidney function. This can all be tested for and evaluated by your general practitioner or nephrologist.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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