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  Tuesday, 18 December 2018
  2 Replies
  6.3K Visits

I am a 28yo male, no physical health problems, healthy weight. I have been having persistently foamy urine for about 3 months now.

Dipstick shows negative for protein, but high specific gravity 1.015-1.020. This is despite being well hydrated. Gp says nothing to worry about.

As I understand it this is a sign of something extra being secreted in urine. What could be causing this? Some reading suggests it could be liver related?
5 years ago
thank you very much for your reply.

Do you know what could cause my urine to become foamy if not kidney dysfunction?

5 years ago

Foam in the urine is caused by protein, even in small amounts. If the dipstick is negative for protein then it is unlikely that you have abnormal amounts in the urine - there is always a small amount under normal conditions. To confirm the dipstick accuracy and to ensure all possible proteins were captured, you might consider doing either a 24 hr urine protein collection or a protein to creatinine ratio done on a spot urine. The high specific gravity means only that your urine is concentrated. This is not abnormal depending on how much you drink.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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