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  Friday, 28 December 2018
  1 Replies
  22.5K Visits
I just received my Alb/Creat ratio results today.
Im am 39 Latin male not diabetic. Blood pressure is controlled with meds.
my Creatinine, Urine is 136.1mg/dl
Albumin, Urine is 146 ug/ml
Alb/Creat Ratio is 107.3 mg/gcreat

I have no negitive medical history.
What does this mean ?
5 years ago

This test indicates that you have an abnormal amount of protein in your urine possibly caused by damage to the kidney from hypertension (or some other condition if you have one). If the protein level stayed in this range and if your kidney function is normal and blood pressure is well controlled, then it should not deteriorate much further. I would also ensure that you discuss with your doctor using an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker among your medications used to treat your hypertension as these drugs have particular benefit for protein in the urine, in addition to being good blood pressure lowering agents.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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