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  Sunday, 13 January 2019
  1 Replies
  5.2K Visits
I have to attend hospital every few months for blood and urine tests as I had kidney transplant in may 2015.
What does it mean when
Urinalysis blood 1+
Protein ++
Plus last few days my pee has become frothy or foamy.

It is normal for some foam (bubbles) to appear in the urine. However, in cases where urine protein levels are elevated, the content of foam might increase. Since your dipstick reading detected ++ protein, it might be a good idea to confirm the quantity of protein using either a 24 hr urine for protein (or more commonly now) a protein or albumin to creatinine ratio on a random/spot urine. Once quantified, your healthcare provider might decide to investigate the cause of it further.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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