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  Friday, 01 February 2019
  3 Replies
  102.7K Visits
Hi Doctor Jordan,
I have been having persistently foamy urine for as long as i can remember. However, it was brought into focus when i read an article stating that foamy urine means protein in the urine and could mean someting from kidney problem to multiple myeloma.

I have done alot of tests with the result below:

1. Renal Screen

Result Unit Reference

Glucose 89 mg/dl
Potassium 4.5 mmol/l 3.3 - 5.1
Sodium 140 mmol/l 135 - 150
Chloride 100 mmol/l 96 - 109
Bicarbonate 25 mmol/l 21- 32
Urea 20 mg/dl 10 - 50
Creatinine 0.85 mg/dl 0.50 - 1.60

2. Urianalysis 6 times
All 6 negative for albumin

3. Albumin to creatinine ratio
First morning void
2.64 mg/g reference range <30

4. Protein to creatinine ratio
First morning void

0.06 reference range <0.2

5. 24 hour urine protein quantification
Reference range <140mg/24 hour

First test : 109.99 mg/24 hours
Second test: 136.11 mg/24 hours

6. Serum free light chain to screen for multiple myeloma (bence jones proteinuria)

Kappa 15.5 mg/l (3.3-19.4)
Lambda 14.9 mg/l (5.7-26.3)
Kappa lambda ratio 1.04 (0.26-1.65)

All within normal ranges and normal ratios.

It seems to me that all the result are within normal range, but i could not figure out the reason of my foamy urine. Im worried i might miss out anything?

Thankyou for your advice and guidance

5 years ago
A small amount of protein can act as a detergent and cause bubbles. This is not abnormal. Given your normal protein excretion, I would not be concerned about the foam in your urine.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 months ago
Hi good morning pls my name is Dora, a 22 year old young lady,lately I’ve been having bloody urine and today after urinating I noticed my urine had turned foamy and I’m a bit concerned about it , can u you pls help me know what’s wrong with me?
3 months ago
Hi good morning pls my name is Dora, a 22 year old young lady,lately I’ve been having bloody urine and today after urinating I noticed my urine had turned foamy and I’m a bit concerned about it , can u you pls help me know what’s wrong with me?


You should have a urine culture to exclude a urinary tract infection. If that explains the issue, then would stop there. If however, the culture is negative, then would investigate to see if this is a primary kidney issue and/or a urologic issue (for example in the bladder).

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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