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  Sunday, 07 April 2019
  4 Replies
  201.7K Visits
Good morning

I am 44 years old.Male.6'3 - 92kgs-No renal issues in the family.

3 month ago I noticed foam/bubbles in the toilets.
I did 2 blood tests to check kidneys, 5 dip stick urine tests at GP, 3 urine culture tests were sent to lab , 2 renal ultrasounds. However they all came back negative. No protein and no infection.I also did a STI screening (no risk) that came back negative.

However 3 months later I still have foam in my urine and I feel very tired as if I had an infection.I also have a slight pain on the side.

What could it be?

Thanking you in advance

Attachments (1)
5 years ago

This has been asked and answered many times on this forum:

Please have a look there.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
5 years ago
Thank you for your time doctor.
From reading other messages it seems that I don't need to do further tests? is 24 hrs necessary?
5 years ago
A 24 hr urine would be the most definitive way to exclude proteinuria - otherwise you could get by by doing a urinary protein and albumin to creatinine ratio on a spot urine to exclude proteinuria.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 years ago
Hi Jonathan,

My urine looks very similar to yours and I also got a negative dipstick test. Did you figure out your problem? Or did it get any better?
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