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  Wednesday, 17 April 2019
  1 Replies
  5K Visits
I had a dipstick test in Dr office and it showed a trace of protein.
The lab results came back negative.
How can I get 2 different readings from same urine sample?
Does the lab use a different testing method?

Muscular / Fit, Male, Age 52
160 lbs 17% body fat
Creatinine - 1.12
GFR -75
fasting glucose -101 (high)
A1c - 5.0
c reactive - 0.1
Vitamin D - 52.2
All other urine tests are negative (blood tests in optimal range).
Urine dipsticks rely on checking for visual color change, most often judged by the human eye and occasionally by machine. If the level of protein is very minimal, some might call it positive (or trace) while others judge it to be negative. The best way to confirm is with a urine albumin to creatinine ratio on a spot urine as there is no ambiguity there.

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