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  Friday, 26 April 2019
  1 Replies
  8K Visits
Hi, my husbands creatinine level came back very high. 350. The doctor just said to have a proper diet. He didn't sound alarmed. We looked it up and know that this level is pre-dialysis.

My husband is not diabetic and does not suffer from high blood pressure. His dad is diabetic and his dad's family as well - with chronic kidney disease.

My husband has complained before shortness of breath or slight difficulty in the middle of the night.

After his blood work, I asked if his urine is foamy and it is. He said he never paid attention in the past.

Creatinine was never an issue before
5 years ago

I can't comment on what another doctor did or didn't say. What I can say is that the level of kidney function is indeed very much reduced and its cause should be investigated and hopefully treated. Unfortunately, the post does not provide any information to determine the cause. A full panel of bloodwork, urinary protein assessment, abdominal ultrasound and - in some cases such as this - a kidney biopsy is required to determine the cause.

I can only base my opinion on the information provided and your health-care provider might arrive at different conclusions once you have provided an entire history and had a physical examination performed. As always, this forum provides general medical information only and is limited to educational use only. Please discuss the above remarks with your health-care provider.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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