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  Saturday, 27 April 2019
  1 Replies
  7.5K Visits
High to day I got my above report done and it reads the ratio at 107

I m diabetic n the results are erratic fasting between 130 n 150
And PP results like 170-210

What are the precautions to b taken to lower the ratio

Kind regards
5 years ago
The elevation in albumin to creatinine ratio is very likely related to elevated blood sugar over a long period of time, as well hypertension if present. In general, the most reliable way to reduce the levels is excellent blood sugar control, blood pressure treated below 130/80, use of an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker and use of an SLGT2 inhibitor.

I can only base my opinion on the information provided and your health-care provider might arrive at different conclusions once you have provided an entire history and had a physical examination performed. As always, this forum provides general medical information only and is limited to educational use only. Please discuss the above remarks with your health-care provider.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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