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  Wednesday, 22 May 2019
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I'm a male and my creatinine level keeps fluctuating up and down, it's now at 1.52 mg/dl, I've been referred back and forth from a Urologist and Nephrologist to determine the cause of what's causes it to go up & down. The left kidney is 9.4 x 5.4 x 4.9 cm Echogenic, there's some dilation of the complex in the inferior pole, no hydronephrosis, mass or calcification is seen. I've done a Ultrasound and a Cystoscopy, and I'm being advised nothing was found in the exam no stones, and or damage.

I've been diagnose as a congestive heart failure patient and asking if the medication of Entresto 24/26 mg can be cause the dilation in the kidney size and elevation of the creatinine blood level to fluctuate, the right kidney is 11.2 x 4.8 x 4.5 cm Echogenic, no mass, hydronephrosis or calcification. Trying to determine if there's a underlying renal disease and how to get my creatinine blood level back to normal or lower.
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