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  Monday, 03 June 2019
  1 Replies
  6.7K Visits
My wife had a c- section earlier this month, my baby died due to hypo plastic left heart syndrome. My wife has diabetes and blood pressure problem for last 4 years. Earlier this year her creatinine was below 1.5 but in this month after c section her creatinine became 2 and within 2 weeks it became 3. Her BP also very high. Currently taking nifedipine SR 2Omg in the morning and night and Prazosin 5mg three times a day. Can it be cured?
5 years ago

It is definitely possible for the creatinine to return to her pre-pregnancy level. However, 1.5 would not be a normal creatinine for a young woman. Does she have kidney disease prior to pregnancy?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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