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  Sunday, 12 January 2020
  1 Replies
  8.6K Visits
Hi, im ONLY 16 and ive been having foamy urine for 6 months, and im this really foams up kind of like pouring soap in the toilet. I search it up on the internet and google tells me that its either dehydration or something or KIDNEY DISEASE!!

a month later i went to the doctor and he said he doesnt think anything is wrong. I did a simple urine test but nothing came up.

I do workout, 3 times a week weights and 3 times a week running and i consume protein shakes 3 times a week,

my height is 165 cm and i weigh 53kg.

I have no other symptoms, PLEASE HELP!!
4 years ago

This question has been asked and answered many times on this forum.

If your urine does not have significantly elevated levels of protein (which would be determined from a urinalysis for protein levels) then seeing some foam in the urine is of no concern and might reflect some protein in the urine within limits of normal.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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