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  Monday, 03 February 2020
  3 Replies
  4.4K Visits
I am a 47 yr old female with hypertension. Having some concerns on my GFR numbers. 2018 GFR was 68 and 2019 it was 59. My serum creatinine is 1.0. I did have a Microalbumin/Creat Ratio Urine test done which my primary said was normal. Should I be concerned and consult with a nephrologist?
4 years ago
Are you taking any medication for hypertension, if so, which?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
I am currently taking Amlodipine 5mg 1 tab daily and Metoprolol 25mg 1/2 tab daily
4 years ago
It is not uncommon for a mild reduction in GFR to accompany hypertension. That being said, if your GFR is declining, it would be wise to consult with a nephrologist. That said, I would first repeat the current value of 59 to ensure that it truly is dropping. Creatinine (and therefore GFR) can fluctuate quite significantly from test to test and I would look at trends rather than two data points only.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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