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  Friday, 14 February 2020
  4 Replies
  7.7K Visits
Hello and thank you for this website.
I have been taking two baby aspirins in the morning and two at night for a few months, My recent bloodwork showed bun at 21 creatnine at 1.1 gfr 73.
I haven no medical conditions 58 years old, weigh 200 exercise 5 to six days per week.

Thanks again
I can't draw any conclusions from your blood-work which is a screening test of your kidney function at that level. It does not suggest any abnormality however.

Why do you take that dose of aspirin?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
Hello Dr. Weinstein, thank you for the quick response and your time.
I may have sent something earlier but am not sure if I sent correctly on phone).
I take the aspirin for Bph prostate inflammation, Ibuprofen works really well but I seldom use. I was treated for Bph with Pae (prostatic artery embolization). Alfuszosin also helps calm things down.

Two years ago bun was 9 and last year it was 15, trend is worrisome. The creatinine level at 1 in 2014 and has remained steady at 1.1. Gfr fluctuates 73 to 79.
I'm sure I was dehydrated at 11 am for the test. I hydrated better today and took another test (waiting on results). Please advise on aspirin Nsaid use and bun of 21.

Best regards,
The BUN is not a reliable test as it influenced by a variety of factors beyond kidney function. I would look only at the creatinine (and from it, the calculated eGFR). Four baby ASA (assuming 81 mg) amounts to a relatively modest amount of this medication per day. This is likely safe for the kidney provided your creatinine is stable and you have no significant protein in the urine. I cannot comment on whether ASA is recommended for your prostatitis; that is a question better suited to a urologist.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
Thank you so much for the detailed response Dr Weinstein. I feel so much better about this. I’m going to stop the aspirin and stick to the alfuzoson.You helped me two years ago with foamy urine and the tests necessary. The alfuzoson Was the cause.

This site is a blessing.

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