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  Tuesday, 17 March 2020
  1 Replies
  3K Visits
So I was doing some research because of my current diet which is high in sodium. I really enjoy this diet because it allows me to lose weight and to eat foods that I love but are high in sodium so I need an advice with it. I read that too much sodium in the diet could cause kidney disease because the kidney can’t function properly without the appropriate sodium/potassium balance. But too much sodium is not a problem if more potassium is eaten, as long as the potassium eaten is at least double the amount of sodium eaten. Is this correct?
4 years ago
It depends on your health status. In general, younger patients without hypertension, heart failure or other health problems can be less concerned with their sodium intake. The opposite is true in patients with these and other conditions where high sodium intake can be problematic. Potassium intake can help reduce blood pressure but does not counteract a high sodium intake.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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