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  Sunday, 10 May 2020
  2 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Hello. Good day. I am 34yo male, south east asian, hypertensive in losartan 50mg once a day, creatinine results. 1st=126umol.
2nd= 115umol,
3rd 104.5umol,
4th 106.2umol. All creatinine was done within 3months. Normal urine, normal ultrasound. Last 3 months egfr more than 60 for the past crea tests.Do i have ckd?
4 years ago

Assuming your urinary protein numbers are correct, this creatinine test alone does not indicate you have CKD. If the creatinine had persisted at 126, you might have met the definition but there could have been some impact of the losartan causing some temporary fluctuation in the creatinine.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
Thank you so much Dr. I am worried because i didnt reached the creatinine reference value of 59umol-104umol of the diagnostic center even though i am strict low salt and low protein diet and regular exercises(jogging). My 1st egfr was 63. My last egfr was 78.(ref value 90-120). Thanks dr.
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