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  Thursday, 28 May 2020
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I am a 63 year old female. Between 2008 and 2016 my Gfr has fluctuated between 49 and 68. My creatinine levels during this time were between .93 and 1.16.

Starting in 2017 my Gfr has mostly declined 64/58/61/59/49.

In dec 2019 is when it was 49 and creatinine of 1.18, and is when my dr advised me to get an ultra sound, mri, and did more tests to check for protein in my urine. I was floored, as these numbers indicate stage 3 CKD. Results showed small cysts on kidneys but nothing to worry about. Follow up blood work a week later resulted in Gfr of 58, and creatinine of 1.02. And no proteina. I made sure I was well hydrated.

I have never had high blood pressure or Diebetes, but have been pre-diabetic for years (5.7 - 5.9). I do take meds for high cholesterol (80 mg atorvistatin) since my early 40’s.

Over the last 5 months I have changed my diet, low protein (50 grams daily), lost 15 pounds (current weight 145) and only eat fruit and vegetables. I excercise 90 min a day, started weight training and I drink lots of water.

2 weeks ago early May 2020 I had follow up blood work. My GFR dropped to 56 and creatinine increased to 1.05. So all the changes I made did not make a difference. Blood pressure was fine, A1c 5.7, cholesterol 180. I sill do not have protein in my urine, my BUN is 15 and serum albumin is 4.1. So I am unsure why Gfr and creatinine were not favorable. My dr said labs were holding steady but that is not steady to me.

What else can I do? How worried should I be? Will this likely progress? Statins are the only meds I take and my dr agreed to let me stop them for 3 months to see if that makes a difference. Do you think statins may have caused CKD? What really bothers me is the fact that my numbers have been unfavorable since 2008.
Additional supplements:
CQ10 - 200 mg
Vitamin D3 - 4000 iU
Vitamin B12 - 2000 mcg
Multi vitamin for women over 50
Biotin - 10000

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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