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  Friday, 29 May 2020
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Hi doctor, I am Male 28 years old, 104kg(230 lb) 190cm(6ft 2 and a half) I am muscular and train in gym. 2 months ago I noticed foamy urine, specialy in the morning and when dihadrated(after lots of water and empty stomack no foam) . I did a normal urine test which was fine, and then did a Blood test for all blood work, kidneys and liver.(Glucose- 5.2 mmol/l; Urea 5.0 mmol/l; Creatinine 90.7 umol/l(1.02 mg/dl); eGFR 99) at the time of blood test I did not lift haevy weights since gyms were closed because of qurantine, only running pushups... 2After gyms reopened I started lifting heavy again and after 2 weeks went to do a 24 hour urine test for protein and said i wanted to do Creatinine, Urea and Uric acid from the 24 urin just in case. The night before I started collecting I had a heavy workout and ate chicken breast all day and of day of collecting I ate beef and some chicken. After I got my results Proteins were ok at 0.138 g/24h and Microalbumin test was 6,0 mg/24h, BUT my Urea was 753.8 mmol/24h, Creatinin 31.6 mmol/24h and Uric acid 7.3 mmol/24h. I dranked more water so my collection was 3,45 Liters. What should I do? Thanks
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