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  Wednesday, 17 June 2020
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I have recently gotten a Kidney test and my results for June were as follows:
Urea - 3.9 mmol/l
Creatinine - 115 umol/l
EGFR - 64

I am a bit concerned due to my creatine being slightly high since January. I have two other tests one in Jan and one in Feb.
Creatinine - 128 umol/l
EGFR - 60

Creatinine - 111 umol/l
EGFR - 71

I am 40 years old black male in decent shape. In January, when my levels were high I was working out and using Creatine supplements as well as on a high protein diet.

Currently I haven't really been taking in too much protein or working out. I have been dealing with what I think may be prostatitis/UTI infections for a little that is still being looked into by my doctor.
Could that maybe be the cause of the high creatinine levels or are my Kidneys really having a tough time.

I do not really have any pain in my kidneys but do notice sometimes foam in my urine. Most of the time if i let it stand for about 10-15 seconds the bubbles/foam disappears.

I want to start working out again and that will require some protein but not if my kidneys seem like they are having trouble.

Any advice?
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