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  Friday, 18 September 2020
  2 Replies
  3.9K Visits
Hi, I am a 59 years old male, around 72kg and 173cm.

I have hypertension for about 2 years and is on medication. I have been doing health checkups for the past two years and my kidney profile seems to have deteriorated. Below attached is my kidney profile and I have some questions about it and I would be grateful if anyone can clarify my doubts - 1. What is the severity of my kidney based on the creatinine (1.54 as of 08/09) levels (eg stage of kidney disease etc) ? 2. Are there any medications I can take to improve my kidney profile or what type of diet should I be following to stop it from worsening?

Thank you!

  • Do you have any other health conditions?
  • Do you take medication including supplements?
  • What is your blood pressure?
  • What is your ethnic background?
  • Do you have family history of kidney disease?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
4 years ago
Hi Dr Jordan,

Thank you for your prompt reply, below are the answers for your questions.

Do you have any other health conditions? I was also diagnosed with TIA back in 2018.
Do you take medication including supplements? I am currently taking Aspirin 100mg (Cardiprin), Crestor rosuvastatin 10mg and Cozaar Losartan 50mg.
What is your blood pressure? Around 120-130/75-90 range after taking medications with some fluctuations sometimes.
What is your ethnic background? Singaporean Chinese.
Do you have family history of kidney disease? No.

Please feel free to let me know if you need any more information. Thank you.

Sam Ho
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