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  Monday, 12 November 2012
  3 Replies
  10.1K Visits
I am a 50-year-old female.  My blood pressure is low to normal.  I was diagnosed eight years ago with Fibromyalgia.  I currently take 90 mg of Cymbalta every day.  Three or four times a week I take 2-3 mg of Tylenol (although it doesn't help much).  I recently was told that my kidney function was 51.  My doctor wants to recheck it in three weeks.  I am wondering if the medication I am taking could be the cause of my decreased kidney function or whether I may have Lupus instead of Fibromyalgia.  I would appreciate any insights you can offer.  Thank you.
12 years ago
This should read 2000-3000 mgs of Tylenol-Dianna
12 years ago

Fortunately, Cymbalta nor 2000-3000 mg of acetaminophen would be considered harmful to the kidney. There are some data to suggest that chronic exposure to large doses of acetaminophen may cause kidney damage, but my own opinion is probably does not. I would consider other culprits before acetaminophen.
12 years ago
Thank you very much.
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