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  Wednesday, 14 November 2012
  1 Replies
  6.8K Visits
I'm looking to find out if there are any Toronto doctors currently trailing/treating PKD with Tolvaptan? Many thanks!
12 years ago
Accepted Answer

The following is a response to your question by Dr. York Pei, an internationally recognized expert on ADPKD:

No. The drug is being assessed by FDA and Health Canada and is not available for Rx of ADPKD at this time. If approved, it is likely specific guidelines will be developed for selection of patients most likely to benefit. At this time, most experts would advise against any off-label use.
12 years ago
Accepted Answer

The following is a response to your question by Dr. York Pei, an internationally recognized expert on ADPKD:

No. The drug is being assessed by FDA and Health Canada and is not available for Rx of ADPKD at this time. If approved, it is likely specific guidelines will be developed for selection of patients most likely to benefit. At this time, most experts would advise against any off-label use.
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