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  Sunday, 24 January 2021
  8 Replies
  4.6K Visits
My EGFR is at 82 (86 umol/L creatinine) and last test my EGFR was at 79 (89 umol/L) . I am 23 healthy female, and worried that this could be early CKD. My urine creatinine was high last test and low this one (1.8 mmol/L). I am also iron deficient right now and know that could be another sign of kidney disease. Lastly my Albumin/Creatinine ratio came back -
Unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio
as the concentration of the Albumin is less than
the lower limit of the analytical range of the

Last time my albumin creatine ratio was (0.4 mg/mmol). Urine also came back cloudy and not clear both times.

Really worried about all of this, I do work out 6-7 days a week, 3 days cardio, 3 days heavy lifting but I am not a body builder so I don't think my creatinine levels raised because of that. I was probably dehydrated my first test but I drank a lot more the second time around. Now that my tests came back pretty similar I am worried that this confirms I have CKD? Please any answers are helpful.
3 years ago

The eGFR assay is not ideally suited to patients with normal kidney function. To calculate your eGFR can you tell me what is your ethnic background?

3 years ago
I am white. (Italian and German background).
3 years ago
Given that your urinary protein is normal, if you have no symptoms of systemic disease such as fever rash or joint pain for example, my next step would be to order an abdominal ultrasound to look at the size and appearance of your kidneys. Is your blood pressure normal?
3 years ago
My blood pressure is normal, haven’t had high blood pressure. With an ultrasound would that rule out CKD?
3 years ago
If you have no symptoms, normal protein excretion and normal appearing kidneys by ultrasound, then your GFR is likely a variant of normal at this point. You could undergo a nuclear medicine GFR which is a more accurate predictor of GFR or else check your GFR using cystatin c as opposed to
3 years ago
Do you recommend until I confirm that i don’t have CKD that I eat a lower phosphorus diet? Or is that excessive? I have health anxiety and this is eating at me
3 years ago
Most definitely not. This is very likely nothing to be concerned about especially if ultrasound is normal.
3 years ago
Thank you so much for your response! Truly appreciate it and will push my doctor for an ultra sound to be sure! :)
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