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  Friday, 12 March 2021
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I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2019. At that time, I had an A1C of 9.2 and a MicroAlbumin level of 703.2 (I think Kaiser uses a different standard of measurement than is typical).

Improved the A1C to 5.7 then 6 then 6.5 and now creeping up to 6.7.

Decreased micro albumin levels to 245 then 219 then 307. But yesterday's result was 1,057, which is a reversal of the progress that I've experienced over the past several years. I've gained a few pounds, drink a bit more (getting better though) and have been a bit lax on the diet during the coronavirus lockdown. Less exercise too. But I was surprised that the numbers have deteriorated as much as they have. I do exercise a bit, but probably less than half as much as I did before the coronavirus lockdown.

My doctor does have me on Metformin, baby aspirin, rosuvastatin, losartan and I take various supplement including zinc, fish oil, citrus bergamot, various vitamins, turmeric with curcumin and quercetin with bromelain. I was drinking about 2.5 glasses of red wine most evenings. I've cut that back by about 50%, although I do sometimes exceed that on Saturday night.

I wanted to get your thoughts about what has occurred and recommendations as to how to get back on the right track in terms of improving my kidney numbers once again.
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