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  Tuesday, 05 October 2021
  2 Replies
  4.2K Visits
The question is whether or not I should consider this an early sign of kidney disease? To put this question in perspective:

I had my first checkup in 15 years. The doctor says my blood test results were generally good as were my vitals. No high blood pressure, bad lung function, etc.

I have high cholesterol (Which I am now actively combating with regular exercise(5 mile brisk walk every weekday) and diet adjustment: Way more veggies (Raw and steamed, way more fruit, an attempt at less sodium. Much less red meat, alternating fish and white meat chicken for dinner throughout the week).)

I started smoking at 19 and quit (Mostly) by 26. Switched over to vaporizer and had the occasional pack (1-3 maybe less over the course of a year) over a week or so when I couldn't access vape store. And recently due to Welbutrin, my vaping activity stopped completely. (I haven't vaped since the 2nd of October 2021 and it is now the 5th with minimal cravings and no withdrawal symptoms) I do not have any trouble breathing at or exerting myself for exercise.

Should I consider this a momentary flux in function? And can this function return to normal? Should I screen for damage?
3 years ago

The eGFR was never intended to act as an accurate kidney function measurement in patients with essentially normal kidney function. It is generally more useful in patients with reduced kidney function below an GFR of 60 ml/min. Therefore, in the absence of

  • any signs of systemic disease (like diabetes, lupus etc),
  • hypertension,
  • structural issues noted on ultrasound
  • protein in the urine
  • progressive change in the estimate moving forward

a GFR at this level could be entirely consistent with normal kidney function.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 years ago
I do not have any history of diabetes or hypertension. If there was, it was likely due to poor dietary choice, smoking and/or drinking when it came to people like my mother (She didn't drink) and father. All my other vitals and blood tests came back good, save for cholesterol, which was likely due to a diet of fast food for 2 or so years. I'm rectifying that now. I think I may just be jumping to conclusions, but it wouldn't hurt to get a test later on. C:
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